Books I read in 2018

Ed O’Reilly
3 min readJan 14, 2019


My Business Partner and CEO Mike Scott wrote this post about the books he’d read in 2018.

We often chat about books and have read many of the same ones and I thought it was a good idea — both as a way to share and perhaps to connect with like-minded people who have read the same or similar books as well as a way to keep track over the years of all the books I’d read.

Like Mike mentions in his post:

At NONA one of our core values is ‘continuous improvement as a way of life’. Without the constant pursuit of improvement and knowledge, we will fast become obsolete.

So, with that in mind, here follows a list of books I read in 2018 broken into some loose categories:
I add a * if it was an audio book.

Business / Leadership / Productivity

  1. Zero to One — Peter Thiel
  2. This is Marketing — Seth Godin *
  3. Get Your Shit Together — Sarah Knight*
  4. Remote — Jason Fried*
  5. The One Thing — Gary Keller
  6. Traction — Gino Wickman *
  7. Rocket Fuel — Gino Wickman *
  8. So Good They Can’t Ignore You — Cal Newport*
  9. Deep Work — Cal Newport*
  10. Extreme Ownership — Jocko Willink
  11. Flow — Mihaly Csikszentmihaly*
  12. How Google Works — Jonathan Rosenberg*
  13. How to Win Friends and Influence People — Dale Carnegie*

Blockchain / Coding / Agile

  1. The Business Blockchain — William Mougayar*
  2. Blockchain Revolution — Don and Alex Tapscott*
  3. The Art of Agile Development — James Shore
  4. The internet of money — Andreas Antonopolous*

Fiction / Out of Interest / For the vibe

  1. Thinking, Fast and Slow — Daniel Kahneman.
  2. Spanish: Short Stories for Beginners — Olly Richards *
  3. God Bless You, Mr Rosewater — Kurt Vonnegut
  4. Cat’s Cradle — Kurt Vonnegut
  5. How Will You Measure Your Life? — James Alworth *
  6. The Art of War — Sun Tzu
  7. 12 Rules for Life — Jordan Peterson*
  8. Cancer Ward — Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
  9. Fire & Blood — George RR Martin
  10. Liar’s Poker — Michael Lewis
  11. Down and Out in London and Paris — George Orwell
  12. Antifragile — Nassim Nicholas Taleb*
  13. Skin in the Game — Nassim Nicholas Taleb
  14. Principles — Ray Dalio*

That totals 31 across genre and category.

I had hoped to make 52 books this year… but never managed to get that done by quite some margin it turns out— it’s a little harder to do when reading paperbacks than it is with audio books of course but I’m sure I can do better in 2019.

I’m currently reading the following:
For the first time in my life really I’m experimenting with more than one book at a time — let’s see how that goes.

  1. Profit First — Mike Michalowicz*
  2. Stealing Fire — Jamie Wheal*
  3. The Gulag Archipelago — Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
  4. Maps of Meaning — Jordan Peterson*
  5. Think and Grow Rich — Napoleon Hill
  6. The Dichotomy of Leadership — Jocko Willink*

Have you read any of the above books? Any other recommendations?

Let me know if the comments below.

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